GIVE US A VICE CHANCELLOR THAT IS CLOSE TO OUR HEARTS : Federal University of applied sciences

March 2, 2025
BOLA AHMED TINUBU, President, Federal Republic of Nigeria


By Emmanuel Gandu

All good things come from God, and He is the one who places man in position of authority and responsibility.
In obedience to God and man, Southern Kaduna people’s patience, goals and desires over these several past decadesp seems to have aligned with God’s will as it now pleases Him to use his servant, the president of Nigeria Ahmed Bola Tinubu to enhance the actualisation of this dream.
It is my humble pleasure once more to join other Nigerians of goodwill in extending appreciation to all those who contributed in making this dream come to fruition.

While I may not be like the mother of the sons of Zebedee (Matthew 20 : 20 – 23) who asked Jesus to reserve a place in his Kingdom for her two sons, I believe that she did no wrong in that aspiration because everyone is free to make a legitimate request as long as it does not infringe on other people’s rights. And like Oliver Twist, we are asking for a favour.
Mr. President, you have severally demonstrated the principles of equity, equality, inclusiveness, and the spirit of Federal Character in your almost 2 years of good stewardship of Nigeria.
Southern Kaduna beckons.

There are eminently qualified Professors in the Sciences and Engineering of Southern Kaduna extraction who have distinguished themselves in university administration at the Vice Chancellorship cadre in this country. Their records of excellent service in the several institutions they have, and are still serving have proven their suitability. Some of them are even National Honours Awardees, and this makes your job of choice an easy task.

Therefore, if the appointment of a Vice Chancellor for the Federal University of Applied Sciences Kachia is in accordance with God’s will, and if it pleases you, may he enable you to open the doors for the best candidate – a candidate that is tested and trusted.


Long live Nigeria.

Peace 🙏

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