Canonical norms and liturgical guidelines during lent

March 7, 2025

By Emmanuel Gandu


My brothers and sisters, the Lenten season is here again. As we journey with Christ in this 46 days, may we be reminded of our duties as faithful Catholics.
You may find helpful, some of the obligations of the Christian faithful during Lent. They are based on the following canonical norms and liturgical guidelines :

I. General Obligations (Can. 1249)
1. *Participate in the Lenten season*: Catholics are obliged to participate in the Lenten season, which is a time of prayer, fasting, and charity.
2. *Attend Mass and receive the Eucharist*: The faithful are encouraged to attend Mass and receive the Eucharist during Lent, especially on Sundays and holy days.

II. Fasting and Abstinence (Can. 1250-1251)
1. *Fasting*: Catholics aged 18-59 are obliged to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
2. *Abstinence*: Catholics aged 14 and above are obliged to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all Fridays of Lent.
3. *Dispensations*: The local bishop may grant dispensations from fasting and abstinence for specific reasons.

III. Prayer and Charity (Can. 1252-1253)
1. *Increase in prayer*: Christians are encouraged to increase their prayer life during Lent, including attendance at Lenten devotions and prayer services.
2. *Works of charity*: The faithful are encouraged to perform works of charity, such as almsgiving, volunteering, and acts of kindness.

IV. Liturgical Norms
1. *Lenten liturgy*: The Lenten liturgy is characterized by simplicity, sobriety, and a focus on repentance and conversion.
2. *Use of purple vestments*: Purple vestments are used during Lent to symbolize penance and repentance.
3. *Suppression of flowers and music*: Flowers and instrumental music are typically suppressed during Lent, except on Sundays and certain feast days.

V. Education and Formation
1. *Lenten catechesis*: Parishes and dioceses are encouraged to provide Lenten catechesis and formation programs for the faithful. This should include retreat, talks, and seminars.
2. *Reflection on Lenten themes*: Christians are encouraged to reflect on Lenten themes, such as repentance, conversion, and redemption.

Wishing us a rewarding Lenten season.
Glory to Jesus.

Peace 🙏

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