By Emmanuel Gandu
Protestants accuse Catholics of going to Jesus through Mary. According to them, every Christian should obey the tenets of Scripture by going directly to Jesus and not through an intermediary.
In response, Catholics say they go directly to Jesus, and also go to Jesus through Mary.
The Catholics wonder why Protestants, Pentecostals and Evangelicals have a problem with that.
Explaining further, Catholics say they don’t negate going to God directly, pointing out that what the Protestant denominations don’t realize is that God didn’t come directly to man. He chose to come to man through Mary.
Both Protestants and Catholics have achieved unanimity on the fact that before announcing God’s message and choice of Mary to be the mother of Jesus, the Angel Gabriel greeted Mary honourably and respectfully – “Hail Mary, peace be with you, the Lord is with you and has greatly blessed you.” – Luke 1 : 26 – 28
Martin Luther, the reformist and leader of Protestantism loved Mary and had asked her to pray for him. He wrote the following lovely words in his commentary on the Magnificat which is Mary’s song of joy in Luke 1: 46 – 55. “Mary the tender mother of God, get me the spirit of wisdom so that I may clearly explain this song of yours. May Christ grant me this through the intercession of his dear Mother Mary.”
Protestants arguments and critique of the Catholic Church often hinges on Scripture’s sufficiency. They are right to hold on to their opinion. However, Catholics presents their own counter arguments by supporting the fact that history and Scripture itself reveal the necessity of Tradition and a living authority (Magisterium) to interpret God’s word faithfully and definitively.
Catholics argue that without a definitive voice to interpret Scripture, religion risks becoming a matter of personal opinion, moral relativism, diluting of the clarity of God’s commandments, and the risk of undermining the credibility of Christianity as a unified truth.
Paul warned against such divisions urging the church to be “of the same mind and the same judgement.” – 1 Corinth 1 : 10
William J. Abraham, a theologian (not a Catholic) lamenting the schism and divergence in Christendom caused by the perceptions held by Christian denominations on the role of Mary in salvation had this to say – “I wonder whether God laughed or cried at our denominational enclaves that seem to divide and exclude rather than unify and include believers as members in the one body of Christ, the Church Universal.”
Religion is as old as the history of man. Civilization, scholars, archaeologists, and anthropologists have discovered that there has never existed any people, anywhere, at anytime who were not in some sense religious.
During all these years of man’s history of existence on earth, the search for God has led to enormous diversity of religious expression and pathways world wide. From Judaism, Christianity, Islam, to Hinduism. And to the Oriental philosophies of Buddhism, Shintoism, Taoism and Confucianism. In other vast regions of the world, mankind has turned to Animism, Magic, Spiritism, and Shamanism.
All these quests for God has further pushed man to break away and diversify into denominations, sects, and cults – all in search of God.
In his book ‘Man’s Religion’, John B. Noss points out that “All religions suggest that man cannot stand alone without a religion because he is vitally related with, and dependent on powers in nature and society.”
According to another source, ‘World Religions – from Ancient History to the Present’, “Religion is an important feature that is longing for value in life that leads man to search for meaning, faith, and a power greater than the human and the super human mind.
If all these postulations are anything to go by, one wonders why religion has become a source of schism and divergence instead of a melting pot of convergence.
Interestingly, God created man in his own image and likeness in order to know Him, love Him, serve Him, and to love one another. God also gave man the freedom and choice of worship and association. It is in the exercise of these freedoms that man worships God through different ways and means. These ways and means have therefore translated into different religions, denominations, sects, viewpoints, and interpretations.
The question one may therefore pose to theologians, and religious adherents is the extent to which all these various religious doctrines have utilized religion to advance peace, love, and service to God and humanity, or aided hatred and division among the people.
Rather than bringing man together in his course of worshiping God, the leadership and folowership in their various religious and denominational enclaves seem to be tearing up each other apart.
Lamentably, these schism have caused a great deal of troubles, upheavals, division, crisis, wars, destruction, and deaths across the world.
These ambiance of religious intolerance no doubt negates God’s plans and philosophy of creation and choice.
Little wonder, the great German Sociologist and Economic theorist Karl Marx describe religion as the “Opium of the people.” – (1843).
Unfortunately, the moral corruption peppetrated in the guise of religious and denominational worship by some adherents in the name of God leaves much to be desired.
Regrettably, they seem to have lost their moral rudder thus causing shipwreck on the turbulent waters and rocks of faithless, fanaticism, and blind followership. These have resulted in disagreement leading up to conflict of ideological, theological, liturgical, and doctrinal inconsistencies. Some of these conflicts have sometimes metamorphosed to religious violence and war.
Some examples of religious/denominational conflict includes :
(1) The 30 years war between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland because of the British Protestant Settlers domination of the indigenous Irish Catholics. This war lasted from 1968 until peace was brokered during the ‘Good Friday Agreement” of 1998.
(2) The unending Arab – Israeli war which brought with it, righly or wrongly, a notoriety for a religious war that have continued to take millions of innocent lives to the graves including several leaders like then Egyptian President Anwar Sadat killed by his own people for signing a peace agreement with, as they say, “infidel” Israel at Camp David. You would remember that Anwar Sadat was a joint Nobel Peace Prize winner with then Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Beghin in 1978.
(3) The forceful imposition of Islamic rule in countries like Iran, as well as in Afghanistan by the Taliban Islamic sect which was encouraged by the infamous US 9/11 bomber mastermind Osama Bin Laden’s Al – Qaeda
(4) The Hijab dress code controversy plaguing the Nigerian Educational system, Judiciary, police, and many facets of the country’s female fashion is pitching Christians and Muslims against each other. What Christians might not have come to terms with is that Christianity embraced the use of Hijab long before Islam came to borrow its use, and Mary remains the model of the Hijab dress code.
(5) The Nigerian Boko Haram sect campaign for the imposition of Islamic rule and the entrenchment of only Islamic education in Nigeria has led to war, killing, untold suffering, loss of property and destruction of infrastructure.
(6) The 2019 introduction of the Muslim-Muslim ticket by then governor of Kaduna State Nasir El – Rufai in Kaduna State and its subsequent adoption at the federal level by the All Progressive Congress (APC) political party in Nigeria’s National political life.
However, there have always been decency, wake up calls, and dissenting views on the observable religious misleads.
They have been making efforts in guiding public opinion as regards the conduct of Christian religious denominations.
William J. Abraham, a theologian (not a Catholic) not comfortable with the schism, division, and divergence in Christendom as a result of the perception held by Christian denominations on the role of Mary in christian worsy had this to say – “I wonder whether God laughed or cried at our denominational enclaves that seem to divide and exclude rather than to unify and include believers as members in the one body of Christ, the Church Universal.”
This presentation is an attempt to highlight and interrogate the role and use of religious denominational worship in the promotion of the understanding and appreciation of the perceptions and viewpoints held by Christians of the Catholics and Orthodox on one hand, and the Protestants, Pentecostals and Evangelicals on the other, in order to achieve a convergence in the face of the obvious divergence in Christendom.
She is popularly reverenced and referred to as Mary Mother of Jesus, Mary of Nazareth, Mother Mary, Saint Mary, Virgin Mary, and etc.
Mary as a subject of phenomenal concern holds a profound spiritual, theological, liturgical, and doctrinal significance in Christendom.
While Mary is celebrated and acceptable by the entire Christian denominations as the Mother of Jesus, she is, however, not generally considered as an important major source from where one goes to God, as the Catholics would want us to believe.
According to some denominations, Mary should not be accorded, nor be seen to be bigger than the role of a mother just because Catholics see her as a representation of a broader and deeper intercessory agent of preparation, hope, and spiritual reflection of an in-depth Christian worship.
To Catholics, Mary is another avenue for seeking admission to God’s face, favour and grace. On the contrary, the Protestant denominations insist that Mary had already served her usefulness, ie bringing Jesus to the world, and should therefore be left to remain as just a mother.
This discourse is set to explore the concept of, and role of the Marianne viewpoints, interpretation, and perceptions held generally in Christendom, with the intent to highlighting those ideological, theological, teachings, and doctrinal viewpoints which have become issues of arguments, for the purposes of enlightenment, information, education, and as well, to provoke further discourse.
It’s an attempt by a layman to bring to the fore the various positions/arguments held and canvassed which have ultimately led to the divergence in Christendom caused by some denominational concepts of Mary as a veritable partner of a rewarding Christian worship.
Understandably, this divergence is increasingly making it difficult for Christendom to achieve some appreciable level of progress for unanimity in order to pave the way for an understanding towards achieving a convergence.
Mary is the daughter of Jewish parentage in Joachim and Anne.
She was betrothed to Joseph, a carpenter by profession. Christian scriptures reveal that she was conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit, and gave birth to a Son named Jesus. She is often called Blessed Virgin because she was a virgin, she freely and completely responded to the will of God and conceived Jesus of Nazareth by God’s spirit – Luke 1 : 26 – 38.
Christians maintain their belief that this humble Jewish woman continued to seek to do God’s will throughout her life, believing that she was without sin, and was thus redeemed from the moment she came to be.
Therefore, Christians believe that Mary remains a genuine witness and model of faithful living for all time.
Scripture mention Mary severally in the infancy and adult narratives of the Gospels :
• Luke 1 : 27 – 2 : 34, Matt 1 : 16, 18, 20., Matt 2 : 11, Matt 13 : 55, Mark 3 : 31 – 32, Mark 6 : 3.
• She is described of a worthy mother that knows her son and shows the way for others to go as she attended the wedding at Cana with her son Jesus – John 2 : 1 – 12.
• She was present at the crucifixion of her son Jesus – John 2 : 1 – 12, John 19 : 25 – 26.
• She kept the vigil and was present with Jesus’ closest followers for the powerful and spirited experience of Pentecost and Ascension of Jesus – Acts 1 : 4.
In view of her obvious total obedience to God’s will, commitment, witness, and duties as a wife and mother, even to the death of her son on the cross, the Catholic community in the light of the Easter post – resurrection faith has always accorded Mary a special place of honour in the traditional Christian narrative as the mother of God, and as a faithful witness to what total Christian surrender to Jesus’ compelling Good News of Salvation is all about.
Yes, Mary was an ordinary everyday human, a very young woman of ordinary human parents.
But God found her worthy to be the mother of the Saviour Jesus Christ – Luke 1 : 26 – 38.
Without doubt, Mary did ordinary things in extraordinary ways. She was greatly challenged to have a simple but profound trust in her God.
Therefore, the Church Community has traditionally perceived Mary the mother of Jesus to be one who remained ever – virginally pure, gave all her assent and heart to the creator.
This in a way, she undoubtedly deserves to be called the Mother of the timeless Christian community and people of God.
Little wonder, Mary earned for herself the title of “Mother of God” in Christendom.
Interestingly, Mary is revered even by non – Christians for her chastity, humility, and her courageous ability to withstand even the most deepest and most mysterious of human sufferings and doubts, and yet she remained essentially faithful to God.
Islam, for example devotes a whole chapter in the Qur’an to Mary, and even mentions her by name more times than in the Bible.
Mary, therefore, is someone to whom individuals and communities can look up to. One with whom they can have a spiritual relationship – especially while trying to cope with all the visissitudes, troubles, upheavals, and surprises that contemporary life can throw up.
In the circumstances, the Church invites her worthy members to seek God’s intervention also through her intercession.
(A) Crux of the matter :
Christians are unanimous in their believe that Mary is Jesus’ Mother who was conceived through the Holy Spirit as written in scripture.
However, the divergence and disagreement between Catholics and Orthodox on the one side and Protestants, Pentecostals, and Evangelicals on the other, is whether she should be worshiped/honoured, asked for her intercessory and mediative prayers, including the doctrinal, theological, liturgical, and other issues. These teachings have made the possibility of achieving some level of unanimity in Christendom a herculean task. No doubt, Christian denominational perspectives and perception of Mary include a great deal of diversity and divergence in both teaching and doctrinal viewpoints.
While the Catholics and Orthodox denominations have their own Marian traditions, Protestants , Pentecostals and Evangelicals pay little or no attention/significance to Mariology.
This rejection by Protestant denominations of Catholic worship and adoration ceded to Mary, perpetual virginity, intercessory and mediative role, Assumption and other Marian Dogmas, etc, encapsulates the major profound schism and divergence between Catholicism and Protestantism.
This rejection lies at the very heart of the Protestant Reformation and its theological aftermath.
They advance the following arguments to buttress their opposing stand :
(1) Protestant, Pentecostal, and Evangelical denominations hold less exalted views of Mary’s role, often basing their strong opposing views on a lack of biblical support for many Catholic Teachings, Doctrines and Dogmas pertaining her roles in Christianity.
(2) While Protestants believe that Mary was human, existed, her miraculous conception of the child Jesud by the Holy Spirit while she was a virgin, and the birth of baby Jesus, they however do not accept the perpetual virginity of Mary. Beyond that, they insist that the Bible teaches clearly that Jesus alone was without sin – 1John 1 : 6, Romans 3 : 22 – 24
(3) Protestants reject the intercessory and mediative role concession accorded to Mary, insisting that there is only one mediator between God and Man, and that Jesus alone is a sufficient mediator. – 1 Timothy 2 : 5 – 6, Hebrews 9 : 15
(4) On the rejection of the Assumption and other Marian Dogmas, Protestants, Pentecostals and Evangelicals hinge their stand on the fact that it is not recorded or claimed in the Bible, and that it is an invention of the Catholics.
(5) Protestants questioned the Catholic worship and honour of Mary when, according to them, there is no where in the Bible she was accorded such privilege. According to them, the Angel Gabriel said – “Rejoice, most highly favoured, the Lord is with you.”
(6) Protestants accuse Catholics of a cult – like following of Mary that has shifted the focus from Jesus and God.
(1) a.
The fundamentals :
Catholic teachings are based on a tripod of:
a. Scripture
b. Tradition
c. Magisterium (excercise of the authority of the church as per the successive Leadership from Jesus to Peter and down to the present Pope)
From this perspective therefore, the issues of divergence are not seriously a subject of mere historical debate but a fundamental issue of divine authority of the Catholic church – the author and custodian of the Scriptures, Tradition, and the Magisterium.
(1) b.
The Protestant arguments and critique of the Catholic Church often hinges on Scripture’s sufficiency. They are right to hold on to their own opinion. However, Catholics counter this argument by insisting that history and Scripture itself reveal the necessity of Tradition and a living authority (Magisterium) to interpret God’s Word faithfully and definitively.
Unarguably, these arguments in Christendom touches on a fundamental tension between Protestant and Catholic approaches to Scripture, Tradition, and Magisterium (authority).
Catholics argue that it’s not sufficient to settle doctrinal, theological and liturgical questions through Scripture alone. To them, it does also require tradition and authority in all aspects, especially as it relates, in this instance, to Mary the Mother of God.
Catholics go further to reject the claim by Protestants that the Bible is not defective but limited by its written form is a Catholic-only perspective.
Catholics hold that while Protestants emphasize Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority for faith, Catholics insist that Scripture, while divinely inspired, was never intended to function as a self-interpreting document.
Just as Christ came not merely as a teacher of Scripture but as the living word of God – John 1 : 14, the Bible operates within the Church as part of a dynamic relationship with Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church. Without this, Catholics argue that interpretation becomes subjective, and therefore prone to error.
After all, according to the Catholics, there are ample Biblical support for interpretation where the need for guidance in understanding is emphasized :
@ When the Ethiopian eunuch struggled to understand Isaiah, Philip, inspired by the Spirit guided him – Acts 8 : 30 – 31
@ Peter warns against misinterpreting Scripture, particularly Paul’s letter, which can lead to destruction – 2 Peter 3 : 16
These, according to Catholics, are arguments and examples meant to highlight the insufficiency of Scripture alone to resolve interpretative conflicts that come without divinely appointed guidance.
Without an authority to render a definitive voice to interpret Scripture, argued the Catholics, religion risks becoming a matter of personal opinion, moral relativism, diluting of the clarity of God’s Commandments, and the risk of undermining the credibility of Christianity as a unified truth.
Consequently, Paul, according to Catholics, had warned against such divisions, urging the church to be “of the same mind and the same judgement” – 1 Corinth 1 : 10
(2) Catholics celebrate the choice of Mary by God for reasons reflected in the Annunciation by the Angel Gabriel to Mary – Luke 1 : 26 – 38.
No one else, no human was ever greeted, honoured and revered by an Archangel like Mary.
(3) Mary exhibited a high level of humility and obedience to God’s will in her willingness to bear and birth Jesus despite the shame of pregnancy out of wedlock and the reputation of her family lineage – Luke 1 : 34
(4) Catholics are comfortable with Mary because she introduced Jesus to humanity not only by birthing and giving Him her DNA – Luke 2 : 1 – 7, but also by guiding and pointing out to Him the way of God at the dedication/presentation at the temple – Luke 2 : 22 – 40, and her instructive motherhood role.
(5) Mary introduced Jesus to the people, pointing out to them that He is the one to follow. This introduction was exemplified and took place at the marriage event at Cana where He performed His first miracle of changing water into wine – John 2 : 1 – 12. If Mary mediated on the people’s behalf and Jesus granted His mother’s request at that time, surely she is ever ready to intercede for you and I, as He is always a good son to His mother.

(6) Catholics defend why they call Mary as ‘Mother Mary’, Mother of the Church’, Mother of Grace’, etc, by referring to the Bible.
While on the cross at Calvary, Jesus spoke to John instructing him to trust and take care of His mother as his (John’s) mother as well. This is a very instructive gesture where Jesus handed His own mother to the world through John and the other disciples. She is therefore the Mother of the Church – John 19 : 25 – 27
(7) A good mother, a woman of inestimable value (allow me to borrow the words of Chief Obafemi Awolowo as he cherishes his dear wife Mrs. Hannah Awolowo) will never shirk her duties, will maintain the bond between her and her children no matter the difficult circumstances.
Mary kept the faith by her presence along with the Apostles at that critical Pentecost event – Acts 1 : 14, Acts 2 : 1 – 13
(8) Defending the reliance on Tradition, Assumption of Mary to heaven, and other Marian Dogmas, Catholics point out that :
a. From the fact of not relying only on scripture but also on tradition in order to render effective Christian teaching, learning and understanding, the church is right – “Stand firm, brothers and keep the traditions that we have taught you, whether by word of mouth or by letter” – 2 Thess. 2 : 15
b. “You have heard all that I teach in public” (meaning orally by preaching). “Hand it on to faithful men, so that they in turn may be able to teach others.” – 2 Tim 2 : 2
c. John’s Gospel puts it more suscinctly of the efficacy of the role of tradition in Christianity – “Now there are many other things that Jesus did. If they were all written down one by one, I suppose that the whole world could not hold the books that would be written – John 21 : 25.
(9) The book of Revelation describes exactly the events of Mary and her Son Jesus whom the dragon (Satan) sought to destroy and she fled with her son on direction from the Angels to flee to Egypt for protection, which they did – Rev. 12 : 3 – 18 .
What woman can effectively do that if not Mary, the mother of all mothers.
(10) To emphasize her noble position, Mary is described as a woman standing on the moon with a crown of stars on her – Rev 12 : 1 – 2
Is she not a queen ?
(11) According to Catholics, Mary has continued to present herself in many situations and aparations to many people and places since then.
(12) Catholics insist that all the wordings of the ‘Hail Mary’ prayer are derived from the Bible.
The strong Catholic belief built around Mary being the mother of God has a unique role in salvation and redemption, and as such she ought to be adored, revered and as another channel of intercessory and mediative prayers to God.
According to Protestants, Pentecostals, and Evangelicals, however, belief in Mary isn’t the issue, in as much as she is the Mother of the Christ Child, but rather, the point of divergence comes when such doctrinal concepts and viewpoints as “Mother Mary”, “Queen of Heaven” reigns supreme, praying to Mary isntead of God through Christ.
Protestants insist that there is no where in the Bible when they are instructed to pray to the Saints or anyone else for that matter. They cannot be expected to speak or pray to Mary as if she were a secretary to pass a message on to Jesus so that He could get to it when he finds the time.
Although the chances of achieving some level of unanimity and convergence in Christendom looks an uphill and herculean task, with God, there is nothing beyond man’s achievement so long it’s to His glory and service to humanity.
In conclusion, while many non-Catholic Christians and others erroneously or ignorantly still criticize what they think to be a Catholic cult of Mary, it’s actually not the case.
Catholic theologians, the clergy, and other church leaders continue to point out that Catholics are not called to worship Mary. Rather, they are called and encouraged to remember and venerate her as a key member of the Saints. Because she is a living symbol of the way in which every person should respond to God’s call, gifts and grace.
Mary is to be given special honour( not worship) because of her unique relationship to Jesus.
However, as a further step towards the achievement of Christian denominational convergence, Martin Luther, the reformist and pioneer advocate of protestantism had started the convergence process. Martin Luther loved Mary and had asked her to pray for him. He wrote the following lovely words in his commentary on the Magnificat, Mary’s song of joy in Luke 1 : 46 – 55.
Here is Martin Luther – “Mary the tender mother of God, get me the spirit of wisdom so that I may clearly explain this song of yours. May Christ grant me this through the intercession of his dear Mother Mary.”
Another theologian, William J. Abraham (not a Catholic), not happy about the schism and divergence in Christendom as a result of the perception held by Christian denominations on the role of Mary in salvation history had this to say – “I wonder whether God laughed or cried at our denominational enclaves that seem to divide and exclude rather than to unify and include believers as members in the one body of Christ, the Church Universal.”
Peace 🙏